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Posted on 01/13/2023
Police officers with people

The 2022 countywide homeless count showed that homelessness in both the City and County had grown far less in the two years of the pandemic than had been feared. 

In Council District 2, our housing interventions actually reduced the number of unsheltered persons by over a third during the two worst years of the pandemic.

Our outreach to our unhoused neighbors continues every day.  Thanks to our investments in five bridge housing facilities in the district, we have brought more than 1,100 individuals off the streets; more than 2,500 have received help with housing, employment or other needs through our Homeless Services Navigation Center in North Hollywood. In the last 12 months alone, 497 people experiencing homelessness have stored belongings at the Navigation Center, while 1,595 have received other services, such as connection to housing, medical care or employment.  

We are continuing to make progress in building Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH). With our projects currently under construction or in development, we will add more than 500 units of PSH by the end of 2024.  

Some people still argue that the LAPD should play no role whatsoever in dealing with persons experiencing homelessness.  In fact, the experience of Council District 2 shows that police officers who develop a relationship with persons experiencing homelessness can play an important constructive role in housing the unhoused. In the last few months alone, two of our Senior Lead Officers, Kristan Delatori and Lynn Whitey of the Van Nuys Division, have gone to great lengths to help 18 people find secure accommodation with the help of Councilmember Krekorian and his staff. 

With the compassion and commitment of officers like these, District 2 staff, and our many community partners, we look forward to continued progress in the coming year.